Homeowner & Renter Information

(please see department pages for more detail)


Zoning Regulations 

Parking permits are distributed by The Groton Long Point Association and are required for usage of parking areas. Parking permits can be obtained by visiting the GLPA Office. Proof of residency and car registration are required with a $30 fee for renters. For renters to get parking stickers, owners must first register the property through the Association by completing this form: https://mms.glpct.org/members/form.php?orgcode=GLPA&fid=4186251.  Temporary permits are distributed through the GLP Police Department. If you have questions on who is eligible to obtain a parking permit, contact the Association Office.  A summary of rules, tips, and other information for  owners, visitors and renters can be found here: https://www.glpct.org/docs/GLP_Good_to_know.pdf

Beach Ordinances & Etiquette: 
  • Four (4) chairs per property (labeled with property owner name and address) may be stacked against the seawalls at Main & South Beaches. 
  • Remove all personal items at the end of each day: towels, clothing, toys, etc.
  • All approved small boats need GLPA Permit (see docks & beaches page for more information)
  • All chairs, boats and other items must be removed by October 15th. 
  • No alcoholic beverages on the beach 
  • No glass containers on the beach. 
  • No pets on the boardwalk or beach year round
  • No bicycles, roller skates or skateboards on the Main Beach boardwalk year-round.  
  • No storage of board boats, kayaks or windsurfers between the swim lines on the beaches. No boats, paddleboards, etc may be used within the floating swim lines as safety for swimmers.  

Trash & Recycling 
Residential Curbside Pickup: The GLP Association provides curbside residential trash and recycling pickup to all households each week on Monday morning. All trash should be placed in either garbage or recycling toters at the curb by 7:00am. Position toters so that the handle is towards house and space them 18-24" apart. The toters to be used have been provided to each house by our trash contractor, CWPM. Contact the office if you have questions, 860-536-4736. For more information, here are FAQ's.

Tennis Courts are owned and maintained by the GLPA. A tennis membership is required to reserve any courts including pickleball and can be purchased at the GLPA office located at 44 Beach Rd or online using this a link that will be available shortly.  

Questions?  Contact Andrea Frickman, Office Manager at 860-536-4736 or by email at office@glpct.org