
Facilities Director is responsible for the physical properties at GLP: The Casino, Police Station, Fire Station, Gazebo, and Public Works Garage. Properties are updated, maintained, heated, cleaned, and repaired under the Director’s direction. Emphasis is placed on safety, accessibility, efficiency of use and appeal of appearance.
  • The Casino houses the Point Spa, Post Office, GLP Association Office, Dodd Room, Clark Hall and kitchen, the Women’s Organization Office & Archives, and Association Board Room.
  • The Point Spa is a seasonal restaurant and is a rental property for the Association. It is open to the public.
  • Clark Hall/ kitchen, and Board Room are rented by the Yacht Club during the month of July and August. GLP owners can rent Off-season Clark Hall/kitchen only. Contact the Association office for rental information.
  • The Dodd Room is private. GLP adult owners and their guests are welcome.
Safe, neighborly use of our physical properties is encouraged. As on the larger scale, “If you see something, say something”

Questions? Contact: Chris Malone, Director of Facilities, facilities@glpct.org